HUSH Lights

HUSH is an award winning family of acoustic lights which absorb noise and reverberation to create a more peaceful environment.

Place Hush over an individual task desk, a group of desks, meeting table or focus space to aid in softening sound and reducing reverberations. This allows teams to collaborate while also aiding individuals to focus – free of distractions.

The lightweight, semi-rigid acoustic panels help mitigate the impact of noise in an open-plan environment.

Available in 4 sizes and 20 colours.

Made from recycled PET bottle flakes.

Designed and made in New Zealand in association with David Trubridge Design Studio.

Seen around the world including Singapore, Canada, Australia, USA and Hong Kong.

Learn more about each Hush size below.

The Hush acoustic light family is available in four sizes:

Contact us to discuss your lighting needs from both a design and technical point of view. Email: [email protected] or call 09 828 4274