Clinic design concept
Auckland Allergy and Eczema Clinic aims to provide the very best experience for its clients from start to finish. The sleek new facility focuses on the user experience as the primary design motivation in its new purpose designed facilities in Ponsonby, Auckland. This encompasses not only physical comfort, but also visual appeal and ease of use. The unique requirements for this space meant that many pieces needed to be custom made.
Built with the patient in mind
The reception and waiting area is designed to double as a work space. Some patients may be required to spend up to 3 hours under observation during allergy challenge testing. Providing portable working height tables and ergonomic seating enables patients to comfortably continue with their daily work if required.
In the examination rooms, patients are treated to custom designed and made examination beds. The only beds readily available in the market were standard models with steel frames and hard edges. The bespoke models designed especially for the clinic patients are easier on the eye and the body, with wooden frames and comfy cushioning which is also hypoallergenic.
The beds and sofas throughout the clinic are made to resuscitation standard with extra support added via foam density and webbing. This enables them to stand up to the required pressure should resuscitation be needed in the case of anaphylaxis.
Fabrics used are all hypoallergenic, repel dust and dirt, and are easy to clean - an important consideration for certain types of allergies. Yet the fabric selected is still comfortable and soft to the touch.